Profile PictureThiago Moura Januário

DEYS | N56 Zissou | N57 December's Reward Package HARD LVL

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DEYS | N56 Zissou | N57 December's Reward Package HARD LVL

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Paintings "DEYS" , "N56 Zissou" and "N57"

Package produced by Patreon in December / January ( Hard LVL pledge )


3 Image ( DEYS / N56 Zissou / N57 )

3 Process breakdown ( DEYS / N56 Zissou / N57 )

3 PSD files ( DEYS / N56 Zissou / N57 )

3 In-Depth written tutorial 

( some tools and techniques used on each painting ) ( DEYS / N56 Zissou / N57 )

GIF process of DEYS

Brushes + List

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77.4 MB
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